International transportation of personal effects to and from France
International transportation of personal effects to France
If you are planning to move to France for permanent residence, study or work and do not know how to transport your belongings from Russia, our team is ready to help you in this matter. We will save you nerves, effort and time and independently organize the transportation of your clothes, shoes, textiles, books, dishes, household appliances, electronics and other items to a new country.
The IntRelocations company provides turnkey transportation services for personal belongings to France from Moscow and other Russian cities. Our specialists ensure fast and safe delivery, prepare the necessary documents for customs clearance and take care of proper packaging and labeling of goods. Thanks to our experience in the field of international transportation, we know all the features of this work and can guarantee the safety of your cargo throughout the entire transportation process.
A range of services for organizing a home move to France
Transporting personal belongings to France when moving is a comprehensive logistics service for transporting cargo from one place to another. It includes the following:
We will help you deliver things from any city in the Russian Federation to any city in France
Tariff plans for transportation of personal effects to France
- Export customs clearance
- Transportation to the country of destination
- Export customs clearance
- Transportation to the country of destination
- Customs clearance in the country
- Delivery to the address
- Drawing up a list of items in 2 languages
- Packing of personal effects
- Export customs clearance
- Transportation to the country of destination
- Customs clearance in the country
- Delivery to the address
Price of moving to France
Transportation costs depend on the following factors:
- amount and weight of transported items
- nature of the cargo (large furniture, household appliances, antiques, etc.)
- mode of transport (road or air transport)
Customer reviews
Keep in mind that our company ships personal effects from France to Russia as well.