International transportation of personal effects to and from China
International transportation of personal effects to China
To quickly, easily and without unnecessary problems transport things to China when moving for permanent residence, work or study, you need to contact a reliable transport company. We are always ready to help resolve this issue and organize turnkey transportation of furniture, household appliances, electronics, sports equipment, clothing, shoes, dishes, books and other personal property.
Thanks to many years of experience in the international moving market and trusted partners, even under sanctions, we quickly transport personal belongings to China from Moscow and other Russian cities. Our team provides a full range of transportation services, including furniture disassembly, packaging and labeling, customs clearance and insurance, as well as door-to-door delivery. We guarantee timely delivery and safety of your property during transportation.
A range of services for organizing home relocation to China
Transporting personal belongings to China when moving is a range of services that includes much more than just moving property from one point to another.
We will help you deliver things from any city in the Russian Federation to any city in China
Tariff plans for transportation of personal effects to China
- Export customs clearance
- Transportation to the country of destination
- Export customs clearance
- Transportation to the country of destination
- Customs clearance in the country
- Delivery to the address
- Drawing up a list of items in 2 languages
- Packing of personal effects
- Export customs clearance
- Transportation to the country of destination
- Customs clearance in the country
- Delivery to the address
Price of moving to China
Transportation costs depend on the following factors:
- amount and weight of transported items
- nature of the cargo (large furniture, household appliances, antiques, etc.)
- mode of transport (air or sea transport)